Confronting Test-Day Nerves: Strategies for Success

时钟滴答作响,铅笔摆好,试卷沙沙作响——今天是考试日. 对于许多学生来说,这种情况伴随着一波焦虑. But fear not, parents! 你可以在帮助孩子控制这些神经方面发挥关键作用, 将考试日的恐惧转化为自信地大步走进考场.


Breathing: The Power of Calm

你知道呼吸这个简单的动作可以成为对抗压力的秘密武器吗? 鼓励你的孩子在考试前和考试中练习深呼吸. This isn’t just a feel-good exercise—science backs it up. Deep breathing activates the body’s relaxation response, slowing down the heart rate and lowering stress levels. 这就像在他们的神经系统上按了一个迷你重置按钮.

Practice Focused Breathing


  • Find a Quiet Spot让你的孩子坐在或站在一个安静、舒适的地方.
  • Adopt a Relaxed Posture鼓励他们放松肩膀,将双手舒适地放在膝盖上或身体两侧.
  • Breathe In Slowly指导他们用鼻子慢慢吸气,静静地数到四. They should feel their chest and belly expand with air.
  • Hold That Breath吸气后,轻轻地屏住呼吸,数到四.
  • Exhale Slowly让他们用嘴慢慢呼气,再数四下, feeling the chest and belly fall.
  • Repeat鼓励他们重复这个循环一到两分钟.


Visualization: A Mental Rehearsal

人类的思维是一个强大的工具,可视化利用这种力量来对抗考试焦虑. 通过花时间可视化一个成功的测试经验, 你的孩子可以建立信心,为未来做好心理准备. This practice goes beyond mere wishful thinking; 这是一种被世界各地的运动员和表演者所采用的行之有效的技术 to enhance their performance. 当你的孩子想象考试过程的每一步时, from entering the room to completing the test, 它会欺骗大脑,让它相信自己已经驾驭了这些场景. 这种熟悉有助于减轻对未知的恐惧,这是焦虑的常见来源. 

Practice Guided Imagery:
  • Deep Breathing把这个和第一个技巧结合起来,开始深呼吸放松.
  • Exam Day Visualization想象一下,在考试那天醒来,感觉准备好了,心情平静.
  • Entering the Exam Room想象自己自信地走进考场,找个座位坐下.
  • Taking the Exam: Picture opening the exam booklet, reading through questions with clarity, and writing answers confidently. 想象一下,保持专注,很好地管理时间,有条不紊地完成每个部分.
  • Completing the Exam:通过交卷来结束可视化,有一种成就感.


Practice Exams: Creating Familiarity

The unknown can be scary! 在家模拟考试环境,帮助孩子熟悉考试形式和环境. 这包括安排练习时间,营造安静的、类似考试的氛围. 他们在这些条件下练习得越多,真实的东西就越不吓人.

How to Effectively Leverage Mock Exams:
  • Finding Practice Exams: Utilize available resources like school libraries, online educational platforms, and official exam websites. 这些资源中的许多都提供了与实际考试形式密切相关的练习测试(请查看我们的 FREE mock exams here).
  • Creating Your Own Tests如果你正在努力寻找合适的练习考试,不要犹豫 create your own. 使用孩子的课本和学习材料来设计问题. 混合搭配不同类型的选择题, short answers, and essays—to cover a wide range of topics.
  • Realistic Test Environment: Set up a quiet space that mimics an exam hall. 确保没有干扰,并保持严格的时间限制. 这将使你的孩子适应考试环境,减少不熟悉环境带来的焦虑.


Balanced Preparation: Avoiding Overwhelm

虽然学习是至关重要的,但过度准备有时会加剧焦虑. 鼓励一种平衡的方法——把学习和休息结合起来, physical activities, and leisure time. 重要的是让你的孩子明白休息是可以的,休息是学习过程中至关重要的一部分.

Schedule It Out:


  1. Assess the Study Load和你的孩子一起坐下来,检查所有需要涉及的主题和材料. 这有助于了解所需的学习量,并为制定切合实际的计划奠定基础.
  2. Allocate Study Blocks: 把学习材料分成易于管理的块或主题. 为每一部分分配特定的时间块,确保它们不会太长,以避免疲劳.
  3. Incorporate Breaks: Intersperse study blocks with short breaks—the Pomodoro Technique. 可以是5-10分钟的伸展运动,散步,甚至是零食休息. 这样做是为了在进入下一个话题之前放松大脑.
  4. Plan for Leisure: Ensure that each day has leisure time factored in. Whether it’s a hobby, playtime, or watching a favorite show, leisure activities are essential for mental balance.
  5. Physical Activity:每天至少进行一次身体活动. 它可以是一项运动,一段舞蹈,瑜伽,或者只是轻快的散步. 锻炼不仅对身体健康有好处,而且在减轻压力和提高思维清晰度方面也有神奇的作用.
  6. Weekly Review and Adjust每周结束时,和孩子一起复习课程表. 评估哪些是有效的,哪些是无效的,并根据需要进行调整. 这确保了计划的灵活性和对孩子需求的响应.
  7. Encourage Self-Reflection定期询问孩子对学习计划的感受. Encourage them to voice their opinions and suggestions. 这让他们感到参与并控制自己的学习过程.

记住,考试当天紧张是正常的,但它们不必成为成功的障碍. By incorporating these strategies, your child can approach exams with a balanced mindset, ready to showcase their knowledge and skills. Encourage them to embrace these practices, 看着他们将焦虑转化为取得成就的垫脚石.

By Robert Brundage
Robert是Revolution Prep的导师和创意内容经理. Off-duty, he enjoys being silly with his daughter, trying out new recipes, and playing board games with his wife and friends.